Online Electoral Roll Enrolment Form

Online Application for Enrolment on the Church Electoral (Membership) Roll of the

Guild Church of St Lawrence Jewry-next-Guildhall


The Church Electoral Roll is the basic list of all those entitled to vote in elections within the Church of England. Those entitled to have their names on this roll must be 16 years of age or more and they must either reside in the parish, or be regular worshippers or regularly involved in the life of St Lawrence Jewry.

Joining the Electoral Roll opens the way for greater involvement in the life of our Church as well as being entitled to vote at the Annual Guild Church Meeting. With your name on the Electoral Roll, the strength of the Church can be seen in our area.

If you would like to be on the Electoral Roll for St Lawrence Jewry, please complete for form below.

The next Annual Guild Church Meeting (AGCM) will take place in the church at 6pm on Monday 14th April 2025. If you are interested in standing for election to the Guild Church Council or wish to vote at the meeting, you will need to be on the Electoral Roll before the deadline of Sunday 30th March 2025.

* A person who is going to become 16 during the next 12 months may complete this Form, and will then be eligible to have his or her name entered on the Roll on his or her 16th birthday.

Paper copies of the Application for Enrolment on the Church Electoral (Membership) Roll can be downloaded by clicking here, and returning the completed form the church office.

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