St Lawrence Jewry Electoral Roll
If you are a regular worshipper at St Lawrence Jewry or are regularly involved in the life of the church here, we would encourage you to join the church’s Electoral Roll.
What is the electoral roll?
Every church in the Church of England has an electoral roll. Simply put, it is a list of people who are connected with St Lawrence Jewry, perhaps by attending worship here, or living or working nearby and being regularly involved in the life of the church. It is a helpful record of who and how many people are connected with this church.
Why should I join the electoral roll?
Join because it’s an official recognition that you are connected with, and a part of, the St Lawrence Jewry family and playing your part in following Christ here.
It also gives you rights to stand for election to or nominate and vote for members of our Guild Church Council (GCC). They are the Trustees of St Lawrence Jewry and responsible for the finances and buildings of the church, working with the Guild Vicar in Christ’s mission here in the City.
There are other rights too, such as permitting you and those related to you to get married here. As a Guild Church (rather than a Parish Church) these rights are almost exclusive to electoral roll members, but if you or your family live elsewhere, then it can be a supporting factor.
Who can be on the electoral roll?
To join the electoral roll, you must be:
16 years or over. (If you are 15, you can complete a form and we will add you when you turn 16).
Baptised (Christened) into the Christian faith.
A lay person (not an ordained person).
You should also consider yourself to be a part of the Church of England and attend worship here at St Lawrence Jewry, or either live or work in the area and regularly be involved in the life of the church.
What is expected of me if I am on the electoral roll?
There are no specific expectations. We invite everyone to take an active part in our life together in God’s Kingdom through prayer, worship, events and volunteering. You might also like to consider any contribution you can make, including financial donations or offerings of time and skills.
We also encourage electoral roll members to attend and engage with our annual meeting where our Trustees are elected onto the GCC and the previous year is reviewed.
What if I also attend another church?
If you attend another Anglican church, you can still be on the electoral roll at St Lawrence Jewry, so long as you meet the criteria above and are not on the Electoral Roll of another Guild Church in the City of London.
If you attend churches of different denominations, you’re still welcome to be on our electoral roll if you consider yourself part of the Church of England and meet the criteria.
How do I get my name added to the Electoral Roll?
Your name can only be added to the Electoral Roll if you complete and sign an Electoral Roll Application Form and return it to the Electoral Roll Officer.
If you would like your name added or removed from the Electoral Roll, or if your address or contact details have changed, or if you have any questions, please email for
You can download the electoral roll application form HERE and:
- complete the form and email it to the Electoral Roll Officer at
- complete the form and print it, and post the paper copy to the church office: St Lawrence Jewry, Guildhall Yard, London EC2V 5AA
OR you can complete the online form by clicking HERE.